Hello and welcome to the random section!

The topics are mainly random funny web design effects and such. Enjoy! :D

My GitHub account



Password generator
Html color picker
TabCloud: A cross-browser cloud tab session manager (i.e. for Chrome and Firefox)
Autoprefixer: a tool for generating browser specific css
SearchCode: An internet code search engine
Typeform: A stylish and user friendly form service
Displaying special characters using HTML
CodeGuppy.com - Fun interactive code learning site for kids, teens and beginners
Convert Degrees to Radians
JSON Schema Validator
WinAero Tweaker - Customize Windows UI
Regex visualization
Fody simplifies adding features to .NET assemblies during build by eliminating complex code through add-ins, allowing you to do things like automatically implementing property change notifications or case-insensitive string comparisons.
Get random recipes and create more
Tiptap, a html wysiwyg editor

Tips and tricks

having trouble getting your responsiveness to work correctly on mobile devices?
Worry no more, for here is the solution! Just add the following code to the head section of your html page:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Here you go, an editable html element using the contenteditable attribute placeholder


Click me! :D~